The list has also been updated with more details about each game to help you choose the best Jackbox trivia game for your friend group. If you are a big fan of the series or are keen to jump in, then the Jackbox Party Pack 10 is a great place to start. This time-traveling trivia game has been added to the rankings of the best Jackbox trivia games. The Jackbox Party Pack series has had many entries throughout the years, offering a vast selection of fun games. With Jackbox Party Pack 10 being released, you have yet another fun trivia game to try: Timejinks. Each game offers a unique spin on the trivia genre, keeping it fresh and exciting. Updated on October 29, 2023, by Luke Ackroyd: Trivia has always been a cornerstone of the Jackbox Party Pack series, and that is why almost every edition includes a Jackbox quiz in some shape or form, such as the terrifying Trivia Murder Party. Additionally, you'll be able to see which Party Pack you can find each game in and how many people can play at once. We check out the Trivia Murder Party in Jackbox Party Pack 3 We answer questions and die Yay Jackbox PLAYLIST. To help with this decision, we've ranked each trivia game. Since many trivia games across the different packs exist, deciding which one to play can be difficult. RELATED: Jackbox Party Pack 9: All Games, Ranked